A collection of pictures from the wonderful 2004 movie musical version of Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera, directed by Joel Schumacher and starring Gerard Butler, Emmy Rossum and Patrick Wilson.

In the gallery you'll find on the next page, you'll find hundreds of captures from the DVD of both the movie and all of the special features, including the deleted scene, Emmy Rossum's screen test, the cast and crew sing-a-long and all of the featurettes included on the DVD.  Also included are the original promotional videos of a few of the numbers that were filmed all the way back in the '80s.  Rather corny now, but they're still all a lot of fun to look at!

Okay, now ... head on over to the gallery -->

Please note that this link leads away from the Phantom section of the site.  Clicking on the back button at the bottom of the next page will not bring you back here.  To get back to this page, press the back button at the top of your page -- the one that's part of your browser window.  Unless you want to explore the other movie galleries.

Should you wish to use any of these pictures (the ones that I've scanned, at least), just ask me first.  I'll be quite happy to let you, in most cases.  Now click one of the buttons below to continue wandering around the site.  :)